Friday, April 29, 2011

One more thing...

Does anyone else like the new Jeep Grand Cherokee?! I love it, its a stylish and rugid Jeep. Plus if you spend a little extra you get the orange like interior that makes it very luxerious in my opinion. Let me know what you think.

Problems Problems Problems

Every day it seems like im finding something new thats wrong with my jeep, for example today i spotted an enormous amount of rust accumalating on the rear bumper. :/ Ow well what can you do? Oh and my engine light came on indicating that something is broken and im going to have to drop even more coin into my Jeep than intisipated before. This Jeep is starting to be a hastle more than a luxury. So i ask you my fellow blog followers... do you think i should continue to put the money into this vehicle or just let time kill it eventually and then find a new ride to cruze for chicks in??


Sunday, April 10, 2011


I wonder how much it would cost to have my jeep transformed from a manuel to an automatic. I realized how much i want an automatic today when i drove my jeep home after my soccer game(FCSC fields) with a broken right thumb. My right thumb is on the hand that shifts my vehicle, this caused me an enormous amount of pain. Who had to go and invent manuels anyways?


This weekend i went up to Pingry park with a couple buddies of mine, and a terrible inccident occured. I was trying to move my jeep after being at our campsite for only 30 minutes, and i drove right into the back passenger bumper of my buddies truck. Well we talked it over, and since there was no damage to my jeep, we decided that going through the insurance wasnt the right way to go. I pay $100 or so a month for my insurance, so i figured that id just pay the repairs straight out of my pocket so that i wouldnt have my insurance rate go up! Ill keep ya'll posted