Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In 1940 amist World War I, the American government needed something to output everyone else. They needed the Bantam. What's a Bantam? Well it was the first ever Jeep, not carrying the same name but all jeeps came from the Bantam design. The military needed a simple, quick, light weight reconosence vehicle. Two men showed up to the challenge, one prevailed in a 49 day deadline. Karl Probst, a Detroit engineer, was able to build the designs with no motivation at all, infact he wasnt even paid for his design. But he gave all of us Jeep lovers the thing we love the most. So for that we should thank him.

If you want to know more, check out this website. ENJOY



It's called the Jeep Hurricane concept, and i have to say Jeep has really outdone them selves now. For those of you that dont know what a concept is, it's a car the company built that could go into production but isn't, unfortunately for the rest of us drooling when we look at it. Another example is the Corvette Stingray concept they had in Transformers Rise of the Fallen.
Good luck for us, I read in a car magazine that Chevy is going to put this car into production in 2012!

Weekend Warrior

It became apparent to me that having a car really does change your life. When i got my jeep and license, i was suddenly ambushed with kids wanting to ride in it and even drive it. To my advantage only one of my friends haggled me into driving my jeep around the city for awhile. But having my jeep definately opened up my opportunities. I can go somewhere when i want to and only have to worry about my own schedule to get everything i want done. Then to what seems to be nomal for me, off roading, is a brand new experience to others that make them scream and shout and get's them away from the normal life of boring driving.

Once upon a time

I was sitting in my classroom learning about what i need to stufy for my massive final i have in my anatomy class in about a week. But, instead i was looking out the window dreamng of those days when Colorado weather would cooperate and let some sunshine flow through those clouds and the final bell rings for my junior year. I pictured me and a lovely lady of my choice sitting by my side as we drive through the mountains on the twisting and winding roads with the top down. Not a care in the world, just making some classic summer memories for me to look back on one day. I dont know what exactly ill be doing this summer, but if you happen to spot my gold jeep somewhere, chances are im not too far away.


Im looking for some places to go trail riding this summer and i need some ideas on where to go. Ive heard that storm mountain is great for jeep trails but ive never been there...yet. Where else could i find some cool places to riding? Also i think i might have to do some body work this summer to my jeep, mostly because things are getting outdated and other things are rusting over. Maybe a full body scrub down would help the rusting and i guess money would solve my other problem. But what are some cool aftermarket parts that would look good on my jeep in particular. For example i do not like the extended fender flares because those dont look too good on 2 door jeeps.

Friday, April 29, 2011

One more thing...

Does anyone else like the new Jeep Grand Cherokee?! I love it, its a stylish and rugid Jeep. Plus if you spend a little extra you get the orange like interior that makes it very luxerious in my opinion. Let me know what you think.

Problems Problems Problems

Every day it seems like im finding something new thats wrong with my jeep, for example today i spotted an enormous amount of rust accumalating on the rear bumper. :/ Ow well what can you do? Oh and my engine light came on indicating that something is broken and im going to have to drop even more coin into my Jeep than intisipated before. This Jeep is starting to be a hastle more than a luxury. So i ask you my fellow blog followers... do you think i should continue to put the money into this vehicle or just let time kill it eventually and then find a new ride to cruze for chicks in??


Sunday, April 10, 2011


I wonder how much it would cost to have my jeep transformed from a manuel to an automatic. I realized how much i want an automatic today when i drove my jeep home after my soccer game(FCSC fields) with a broken right thumb. My right thumb is on the hand that shifts my vehicle, this caused me an enormous amount of pain. Who had to go and invent manuels anyways?


This weekend i went up to Pingry park with a couple buddies of mine, and a terrible inccident occured. I was trying to move my jeep after being at our campsite for only 30 minutes, and i drove right into the back passenger bumper of my buddies truck. Well we talked it over, and since there was no damage to my jeep, we decided that going through the insurance wasnt the right way to go. I pay $100 or so a month for my insurance, so i figured that id just pay the repairs straight out of my pocket so that i wouldnt have my insurance rate go up! Ill keep ya'll posted

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This Weekend

I am planning on going to Washington DC this weekend and my dad asked me if i'd rather fly there or drive my jeep. The only problem is that my jeep is lifted and not a smooth ride. Plus DC is a 2 day drive. Two days in a bouncy automoble is a long time. I think i am better off sticking to the plane ride.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snowed in

I went up to the mountains one night with a few of my friends and turns out there was a lot of snow...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have a problem with my jeep and i need some help fixing the problem.

When i bought my jeep it already had 33 inch tires, but i realized that my spedometer is 20% off. Meaning that my odometer is also 20% off. The person that had the jeep before me upgraded her tires 20% without recalibrating the electronics behind it all.

What should i do?